This is the first of a number of posts that will be devoted to "reviewing" a few blogs that I have found and that I like. This first part will be featuring three blogs. The special thing about them is that they are all new blogs. Before I start let me say that two of these blogs were actually inspired by my blog. They make me fell that this blog is actually worth the effort (besides personal satisfaction, of course).
First off, Tolkien Fandom. This was the first blog that I inspired. It was started by a friend of mine a few weeks back. Unfortunately it only has one post on it in all this while. So I think that it's already died a premature death.
Then is Kaushik "Kazarelth" Narasimhan's blog, titled Fealdamar. This is the second blog that I inspired, and it makes me proud. He's posting at a rather amazing speed and his range is quite varied too. It includes tech, news, fantasy and even some mystic stuff. A nice mix for a blog, especially if you have a wide range of interests. Give him a hit, it's worth it. The layout and links are pretty good as well.
Finally is Ramesh Balabhadruni's blog. This is also a tech -related personal blog, A bit like mine. There's only one post so far, but I think that it has potential.
That's it for the first part of The Blogosphere Journeys. Stay tuned for the next part, where I cover other blogs that I've discovered. I'll be waiting a while before I put these blogs up on my blog link panel, just to make sure that they don't go bust.
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